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AEGIS Project Finished Successfully
The AEGIS project finished successfully on 30 June 2019, following a successful final review by the EC, in Luxembourg. Information about the project can be also found in the EC portal, under this... READ MORE
2nd AEGIS Video
The AEGIS project creates an open ecosystem of innovation and data-sharing over multiple sectors for public safety and security. In the second AEGIS video you can see how the developed platform orchestrates dataflows to exploit semantic technologies... READ MORE
Online Presentation of the SHAL (Smart Home and Assisted Living) demonstrator
The partners implementing the SHAL (Smart Home and Assisted Living) demonstrator are happy to invite all interested parties to an online presentation of the demonstrator, which will take place on Monday, June 10th 2019, at... READ MORE
Automotive Demonstrator V3: Regional Driving Risk Estimator
Increasing road safety is still a major worldwide challenge. Though road safety in the EU has improved in the last decades, still more than 25.000 people have lost their lives on EU... READ MORE